Update - During the past week when my air conditioning kicks on it squeals. It's very difficult to sleep since its so loud and it literally makes the noise every time the AC turns on. So I called OneGuard and they sent out a tech. Before the tech takes more than 5 steps in my house he says "noises aren't covered." i'm thinking to myself if thats the case then why did OneGuard accept my service fee payment and bother sending out a tech? Tech tested the system, confirmed the noise, and then said "well, nothing we can do, but I can charge you $250 to lubricate the system." I took a pass. I called OneGuard who said "its not a mechanical problem so we don't cover it." Apparently a squealing unit is fine. And OneGuard did get me with the "well in our fine print it says we don't cover noises." On a positive note they did explain how to cancel the warranty! We'll probably go to the of the top rated companies listed here: