Terrible client experience. I tried this medical centre for ~1.5 years (3 appointments). The family doctor was extremely late (60-80mins) for every single appointment and never once apologized or even acknowledged how late she was.
Reception staff were also horrible. When arriving to check-in for my appointments they failed to even notice me standing in front of them (or else were purposely ignoring me) as they were so engrossed in their own conversation. I had to wave and speak up to get the receptionist's attention, after which she was extremely rude. After waiting the first 20m past my scheduled appointment time, I went up to reception again to ask about the doctor and my appointment; again she was very rude and told me to wait as the doctor wasn't ready for me yet. When I asked if she had any idea how much longer the doctor was going to be, she rolled her eyes and told me "no" then turned away. I waited another half hour before asking again. This time she responded "I already told you I don't know." and then picked up the phone. Under different circumstances I would have walked out but I was flying out of country the next day and needed to have a prescription refilled before my flight.
This is a terrible clinic. The only nice thing about it is the location and physical premises. I know it can be tough to find a family doctor in Toronto, but KEEP LOOKING. This clinic is NOT the one you want.