The ugly, out dated colors are bad enough, but combined with no overhead Music, it makes for a morgue like atmosphere. Zero Energy in this club.
The locker room floor is filthy, trash cans are often overflowing (a few times I've walked in to find trash cans spilling over to the floor - when they just opened)
The black mats for stretching are covered in oils, lotions, sweat and body dander. I don't know why anyone would expose their skin to the surface of these !!!! I mentioned it to the staff a few times - no change.
The weekend hours stink - open at 8 am on Saturday and Sunday. The line to get in would indicate there is a desire to get an early work out in by many members.
Can't wait for EOS to open down the street. The only thing this club has to offer is a convenient location.
Sad club with not so friendly staff.