Embarrassed money was spent here . Upon arrival I watch guests be greeted by a pair of associates attached at the hip who couldn't put away a healthy convo to fully crowd control or build any real warm welcomes. Finally in a crowded store with plenty of payroll used I found my self wandering the store for a mirror to try on apparel and to my dismay none and none of that American customer service of five point guest augmentation. As a friend begged left and right for service or even to get full eye contact to grab a size ,the ten plus sales staff seem to be no where in sight. Can this be Loss Prevention approved? Finally the shoe came out an asian dude who just could have cared less who had no product knowledge or passion could careless to make the sell stood there making one think am I bothering you? My bad!! I watched a store with ten people scurry around like ants but no leader to be found to give any direction. This is LV ! High volume your brand and demographic are here ,so why is your customer service that of some Santa Ana factory outlet store? Come on guys!!!