Like many others here I've experienced the games and cons of the billing office when trying to cancel a month to month membership. I think their belief is if they just don't return your call then they can keep charging your card every month and maybe you won't notice. To me thats a sign the business is struggling and may not be here one day. After canceling the membership in person and being told they were sorry to see us go but that all was taken care of I noticed my card kept getting charged every month. Call, ask to speak to management - told they will call me back. Call again - asked to speak to a billing contact or department - leave message (went thru that cycle at least 4 times). Called the corporate office twice - nobody answers the phone at "corporate" apparently - and left a final warning message that I will now be taking action through my credit card company.
Guess how many return calls I received after all the attempts mentioned above? NOT ONE - nada - zip. What kind of business is run like this???? Luckily my bank agreed and disputed the charges and sent me a new card with a different number. The pain here is now I need to keep watching my credit reports because they're likely to try to write off the debt by sending it to collections.
Save yourself the headache and avoid this place. They likely won't be around soon anyway and there's plenty of reputable fitness centers in the area.