I LOVE this place. The staff is always friendly and helpful. I like when I walk in a store and someone greets me and tells me that the wine is on sale. You had me sold at wine! Speaking of wine, they have a nice selection. I like to pick up the recommended wines and the sale stuff to try new stuff. A word of advice: the wines are organized by the country the grapes are from, not necessarily the country where it was produced. So if you're looking high and low for a wine you could've sworn was from California, it might be under the Italy sign.
They are good about honoring exchanges & returns, I've never had a problem exchanging anything.
They have pretty jewelry and scarves and both go on sale quite often. I have gotten some beautiful stuff for my home as well as yummy treats for my nephew.
Don't forget to sign up for their membership card! You get a coupon for I think it was 20% I signed me and my husband up.