| - Wow, I feel like it's necessary to circle back around and post a follow up to my original review. The last few weeks of my pregnancy from 29-34 weeks were the toughest, but through it all, I felt like the staff at Valley kept me informed and cared for every step of the way. During my last few weeks, I was in the Valley office 2x a week, seeing Sue Ellen, Dr. Kuhlman or Mary Beth. Sue Ellen was fantastic and a huge help in my Gestational Diabetes management. She was honest, supportive and the exact type of compassionate person I needed during that time. And Mary Beth's Ultrasounds are what showed us that my son wasn't growing on track, which prompted Dr. Kuhlman to have us admitted for Steroid shots at 33 weeks, to help boost my son's lung development. Even though what we were seeing on the US wasn't the best news, Mary Beth never lost her smile, and continued to be positive and comforting.
After my appointment at 34 weeks, the decreased movement and minimal growth prompted Dr. Kuhlman to called ahead and had a room ready for us at the hospital, with plans to have my son delivered.
He was born via C Section 36 hours later, due to the same irregular heartbeat and inconsistent movements that the ladies at Valley had been tracking. Their attention to detail is what gave my son the chance to do well, even being 6 weeks early.
Each of the individuals in this office played such a huge role in my pregnancy, and I cannot even begin to thank them for all of the support, kind words and education they provided to me. At times things got a little rocky, but I was always confident and felt nothing but Love and support.