The place is great and pretty darn clean for how often people spill. (How they spill so much, I don't know. We're talking full grown adults....)
Speaking of full grown adults, brace yourself for budgers, pushers, and down-right rude people with a one-track mind for their sugar rush. You'll literally get the spoon taken out of your hand if you hesitate. Must spoon aggressively if you want to come out alive and fed. Harness your inner ninja so that that guy reaching over you to scoop some kind of syrupy fruit over your minty mountain doesn't tarnish your dreamy concoction that you so deserve. Don't believe me? Try going there around 6 on a Wednesday and prepare to laugh (and then eat the s*%# out of some Yogurtini).
The staff, however, rocks, and you really shouldn't be so rude to them. They may not have made your sundae, but they have to deal with you and your messes and you could at least say thank you.
Ruuuuuuude. But you do you, Phoenix.