So me and my BF were in Vegas for Vday and of course i wouldn't be myself unless I stopped at a hookah bar. I live in Houston and hookah literally consumes people's lives down here so I had to get my fix. I found a Groupon only $10 for 1 hookah flavor between 2 people. Can't beat that. I was in a rush and didn't notice I paid for the wrong Groupon (they had 2 options to purchase. One was for 1 hookah flavor and the other was for $20 worth of food) both were the same price so I asked can they still honor the Groupon. Al said he'll do it for us even though he's not supposed to so I was so grateful!! Only thing that kinda made me upset was I asked for some water only because I seen someone drinking a cup of water at the bar while doing HW and he decides to bring out 2 bottles of water. I didn't even make a big deal even though I much rather had water with ice chips that would've been free. At the end the water was $2/bottle. But whatever he honored the wrong Groupon so I'll return the favor by giving him 5 stars.