| - I have been skeptical about this company for a while, but my sons has tried to get me to take them there several times. So this time the boys wanted to change since we never used the old one, literally, probably a total of 10 hours on it end so my son suggested Trading are current version of one console for a used version of the other platform. They took the trade-in for an okay price, however what I noticed after the fact is that they had marked as down for missing an HDMI cable, and significantly markdown the extra controller we had traded in, so that basically we gave them our second controller, and then ironically they gave us an HDMI cable with the replacement console which we didn't need, and I had told them we didn't need because I don't want extra cables for no reason. I also noticed additional markdowns for apparently needing to somehow recondition. I noticed both details and call the store and have no luck speaking to anyone successfully. The next day I went in and again ask for a manager who apparently was infrequently available, and tried to see if I could get my second controller back, obviously reversing that part of the transaction., or in the store, and was told to come back and a different time when she would be there. Now having made several trips I did return and still never seem to have any luck talking to the manager. At this point I would say I was defrauded for at least about $100, and I will absolutely never go to a recommend this company to anyone ever again.