| - I'm greatly sorry that you or many did not have a beautiful experience here. I fortunately did. Thank my Lord and myself for allowing me to recognize to accept and open my heart to faith. I'm not going to lie. It's scary feeling alone in a church but honestly. For I always come alone. Need not to worry or
Lust to feel accepted and acknowledged, for even if no one sees you, our Lord does and gives to those who rejoice this experience. I have heard that, "It's not the church you need to crave, it's an absolute reconstruction that you can obtain with prayer at home. " Our Lord and his church is not a genie for your own desires to fulfill. He is everything, and appreciating that, and what he has given us, we need to be his genie and faith is breaded in numbers of hope.
Many say you need not church but just prayer at home. And yet I don't discount this, but church has provided me a group and alliance of knowledge and growth of salvation I could not do independently to fight this social evilness camouflaged by the standards of life.
I want to strive to become Resilient a warrior for God to defeat the many demonic ways. This world had become an anti God culture although hidden by political and presumed righteous and democratic ways, they suppress our prayers in schools and religious captivities but we need not too bite our tongues.
The devil will try greatly to diminish, and decompensate or ridicule this church; for I wish he not succeed. However. Please open your eyes and trust in God to save you with open Heart, and not let the projection of your own insecurities and lack of faith, to take accountability to your lack of subjective connection of perceived failure.
You have not failed our love but rather just deflected from the truth.
Come again and again.
I wish I came more but come only to this church. I drive almost an hr away for his ministries. Feel like God literally communicated to me through their words.
Honestly. Pastor Price is blessed of Godly wisdom, otherwise I wouldn't have been drawn to hear and love him for years now. He has rejuvenated my faith.
God bless you and Your Future choices. You may not come back here and that is ok I just wAnt you to find your Lord somewhere. Anywhere.
I was lucky enough to give it chances to find it here. God bless you child. Don't stray from out Lord because of choices you feel inequities about. Find your way. God is waiting for you. Everywhere and anywhere. Open your heart. I was blessed to give it chances to find it here
Be careful from " Yellow pages " and "can pages" this network will not let you rebuttal negative comments about People's Church. Allowing and manipulating people to stay away. Lease be query of such because it will continue without my caution. Learn to discern. God bless.