The only thing I can say about this organization is.....THEY SET AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ALL RESCUES SHOULD RUN! This rescue is the only rescue that does not steal peoples pets and resell them, follows the rules of the road to a tee and do everything on the up and up. No one at this org uses the money to support an affluent lifestyle (like others do) this rescue actually rescues animals, actually gets them medical care and actually does fund raising NOT FOUND YOUR PET AND RESELLING FOR CASH! Everyone here is so fantastic and I have been in here more than 10 times and treated very very well! I saw someone post about helping this rescue home their animals...thats BULL, this rescue does not go out to other establishments and sell dogs like McDonalds drive through (that is others rescues who sell to anyone with cash at events).
This rescue carries fabulous food for animals, actually helps CATS, and CHI dogs (no one does that because they cannot make a whole lot of cash with cats and chis) this is 100% awesome and hands down the best run rescue in the state of Nevada, all rescues should be modeled after this one! Hands down the best place to be a part of if you actually want to make an impact in animals lives (not help rescues pay for affluent lifestyle) This is the place that will make you feel like you made a difference in the animals lives!!! They helped me with a dog no one would call me back for (no rescue would return my call-no money in the kind of dog I had) This rescue did and found the most wonderful home for him!! WONDERFUL PLACE!