| - I have flown every airline from private prop operators to southwest air to Air France and everywhere in between. I had never flown jet blue and wish I never had. The worst airline I have ever flown on. It started back in Feb, when we made reservations from LAX to Las Vegas for Valentines Day. My wife was pregnant with our 6th child and we wanted a romantic get away. Unfortunately the Dr. said she couldn't fly. So when I explained this to jet blue and they told me "too bad" I had to spend 2 hours on the phone, before they decided if I got a Dr's note and jumped thru a few hoops I could get my refund. So I complied with there request, I mean jet blue isn't cheap like they want everyone to think, $700 for 2 tickets from LAX to Las Vegas, I needed the money back. So after sending the information they had requested and me follwoing up with them, rather than the other way around. I had to spend another 2 hours on the phone because they had no record of what they had told me and had to to do whole conversation over again. After numerous phone calls and countless hours of frustration due to jet blues inept way of doing business, the best was yet to come. They said I could have my money back, but there was this place they keep it called a credit bank, and I could have it when I wanted to fly with their criminal airline in the future, absolute thieves!!
Fast forward to May 2011, and we finally have the time and health to fly to Vegas. The flight to Vegas out of Long Beach was delayed almost an hour and a half, that combined with jet blues lack of priority from the airport and we arrived in Vegas over 2 hours after the scheduled time. Once we touched down in Vegas, it took us almost 30 mins to taxi into the gate. I'm a very patient person so all of the above mentioned issues I attributed to ignorance and inefficient business practices. The camels back was broken not by the straw however, but by a calculated ton of bricks. People generally fly to Vegas for one of 2 reasons, the time saving of flight or the freedom to have cocktails till ur plane takes off, or both. My wife and I fall into the latter category. So we get to the airport in plenty of time and go through security and check our bags and get our boarding pass, all of the normal things you do to board a flight. We walk to our gate and sit and wait for our flight and as they call the passengers to board, one of the gate attendants decides she will inflict some pain in somebodys life who is enjoying the company of those who love her. She informs my wife and I that she doesn't think my wife is fit to fly. Huh!! So we inquired if there were some form of test to be performed to determine her ability to sit in a chair and watch t.v. The gate attendent of course said there was no such test. I was completely flabbergasted!! I had to fly home without my wife because our nanny was leaving and I had to get back. They later decided she had become unhappy enough and this qualified her in the eyes of the gate attendent "god" to be worthy to captain the airline seat. Miraculously the plane made it to Burbank, because based on jet blues gate attendents' rationale, theres a good chance it wouldn't. I will never fly jet blue nor will my family or anybody else I can keep from doing so, in fact I'm going to contact my local news channel and see what they think.......