I'm afraid we have given this place more chances than they deserve. Although the service is friendly the food is bland, portions are skimpy and not impressive. They put a minimal amount of seafood and chicken in their dishes and throw in a bunch of inexpensive onion and green peppers. No beautiful, colorful, quality veggies at all. My last and final order was Thai basil with squid. Squid is not expensive but they charged me $16 for about 10 bites worth smothered in white onion and they threw in two token mushroom pieces. They looked like scraps. To top it off The rice tasted like it had been scraped from the bottom of the cooker it was mushy with crunchy dry pieces in it. I had to toss it. I called the restaurant back.....the man that answered the phone was nice and apologetic, but said there was nothing he could do for me because he's not the manager and there wasn't going to be a manager there until Wednesday. I'm done.....never going back!