If I were the owner I would change a few things. First, I would move the garbage cans away from the entrance so people trying to throw away the garbage that is the food here don't block the poor people trying to get in.
Second, I would stop using Groupon to get people to come in because clearly each transaction takes 10 minutes longer than it should.
Third, I would stop feeding my customers the bottom of the nacho barrel, the tiny little crumbs that no one enjoys, only to cover it up with the normal-sized nachos right in front of my customers.
Fourth, I would stop buying my ingredients from the discount aisle of whatever hellish grocery store they came from. If I wanted lettuce and tomatoes that tasted like nothing I'd buy a burger at Mcdonalds. Hmm, maybe I did buy a burger at McDonalds and it was just re-arranged to look like a burrito. I just don't know anymore.