Mmmmm....pastrami, cole slaw and deli mustard. In the right hands, combining these ingredients makes magic happen. In Lakewood, the right hands for the task belong to the good folks at TJ. When we lived in Cleveland Heights, we frequented the sandwich counter at Mister Brisket on Taylor Rd and it's one of the (few) things we knew we'd miss when we moved to the west side.
We found a more than adequate substitute in TJ on Detroit Rd. Sandwiches are reasonably priced (many under 6 bucks) and they have a good selection of chips and drinks as any good grab and go deli should. The sandwiches are so tender and delicious. They use some sort of machine called the 'Fresh-O-Matic' to somehow make the sandwiches super tender but not soggy. I know. Straight out of the 60's. But whatever happens inside that magical box, I like it. Sandwiches are never stringy and fatty, always perfection. Great for a quick lunch on the run.
Give TJ a try - you'll enjoy it .