| - THIS IS NOW JACKSONS CAR WASH and boy, this place has gone downhill big time!!! Sunday mid-afternoon pulled up to the service area, no one in sight. Finally flagged the guy to come over to our car to give us a ticket for the wash, etc... He looked very lost. Went inside, approached the cashier (her employee number at this location is 24018 at least that is the number on my receipt also reads cashier3)) and she would not even look up at me because she was busy playing a game on her cell phone right on the counter in front of me. I had to say "excuse me" to her. She abruptly looked up as if I was interrupting her. Again, NO ONE WAS IN THE PLACE!
I am a member of the loyalty or discount club (call it what you want). She proceeded to ask me if I had re-signed up for the club and I said no I forgot since my last was 2 weeks ago. She then looked at me with disgust and said I'll give it to you this time but if you come back again and have not registered again, you will not get your discount. Not only did she talk down to me, she made a point of being very disrespectful in the manner in which she spoke to me. I then told her that the last cashier who had helped me on my last visit actually told me SHE was going to take care of the renewal and for me not to worry about it, so I didn't. She looked at me very put off by my response to her being so rude and said yeah well that's not the case.
WOW!!! Jacksons, if this is how your new staff is going to talk to customers, kiss your revenue good-bye. This girl had nothing to do clearly so to treat the few customer(s) you had this Sunday afternoon the way she did, I can only imagine her demeanor when it gets busy - LOOK OUT for Ms. Attitude!!! Should that be the case, I will go elsewhere, Cobblestone is closer to home to have all 3 of our vehicles washed and maintained and I will not deal with such a rude young lady. I suggest some much needed customer service training for employee #24018 if that is her number and if her phone games are that important, then she needs to put her phone away and only use it during her break time.
My visit was Sunday, February 15th after 3pm.