My Dad literally bought thousands of dollars of camera's and equipment from these guys From the 1970's until he died in the early 2000's. I worked with him for years as a photographer too and bought a lot of stuff from here before digital photography became the norm. I went there yesterday for the first time in years because my Nikon DSLR dropped, the lens shattered and the camera body looked fine but it wouldn't fire. The lady at the front showed me that the mirror was stuck and that it would cost at least $200-$250 to send back to Nikon and even then, they might find more wrong. I decided to put that money toward a new camera and came close to dropping $700+ on a new one right then. I decided to think about it and today I went on line to see if others had the same mirror problem. There were several video's that showed how to simply pry gently on one side and the mirror would dislodge and the camera would be fine. Sure enough, all good! I've shot several hundred shots today in different modes and they are all great. I'm very disappointed in Tempe Camera. It was such a simple fix yet they automatically quoted me a lot of money that a simple Google search could have shown was the right fix. I'm dubious that they haven't seen this issue before. I'm sad by this behavior because it was actually a pleasant feeling walking back in there so long after my Dad had passed away. Needless to say, I'll never go back there and I would never recommend them again.