So I go in wanting 2 iPhones 7's 256gb or whatever the highest is and leave empty handed and annoyed. Don't advertise stuff you don't have in stock as well as know your stock. I had to wait for them 10-15 mins to unlock the safe to tell me they don't have what I asked for if you knew your stock that would have never been an issue. Now the reason I'm giving two stars is because the sales rep called two other stores for me to ask if they had the phones. Those calls didn't take too long so clearly the other store knew their stock. So neither store had what I wanted either so the sales associate tells me we can order it. Ok not thrilled about that but whatever... it takes 5-7 days to get and we pay all up front now. OK... but wait there is a charge per phone to ship!?!? I'm sorry but if you don't carry the stock you advertise the shipping should be free for the inconvenience of having to wait. So basically I waste almost an hour of my time and don't have new phones. Sucks for the employees there if they get paid commission cause I walked out and they lost the sale. T-mobile keeps giving me reasons to want to just drop them. Not a happy customer at all!