A good long wait built up significant anticipation. Overall, a disappointment.
Service was just plain poor and inattentive. Its brunch for gawds sakes. Should I really need to send up a flare for more very expensive coffee? We waited for 45 minutes before the food came. Thats on top of waiting for a table.
The menu carries some very interesting food combinations. Points for creativity. The doughnut may have been the most delicious doughnut I have ever tasted. Tim Hortons doesn't stand a chance against this kind of baking. Ditto for the biscuits. Delicious.
The rest of the meal was just plain filler. BlogTO highlights their Huevos Rancheros as one of the best in the city. This can only speak to sorry state of Huevos Rancheros as it is prepared in Toronto.
The chorizo was as bland as all get out and could have just as easily been sawdust. Potatoes were weather beaten. Nothing about this signature dish was worthy of praise. Just there. Even the hot sauce offered on the side was asleep. The 7 or 8 lettuce leaves on the plate were dressed with some sort of lemony oil concoction that was the strongest flavour on the plate.
The veggie egg dish was with snow peas which is just a plain bad idea. Like kissing your sister on the elbow.
the dinning room smelled like old fryer oil. Perhaps the kitchen could change it once in a while or improve the ventilation system?