| - I don't even know where to begin.. I was introduced to my agent, Anne for the first time through email as I was looking for a condo to rent in the North York area. She began to ask me questions about what I was looking for and wanted to set up appointments for me to see condos right away. I told her when the time came closer to when I was planning on moving out, I would move forward and keep in touch with her. Fast forward, a couple months later, I approached Anne through email once again. Within the next couple of days, we were able to view some units to see which buildings we were interested in. After seeing a couple of buildings, we decided which ones we were set on. Anne continued to be extremely helpful with our search for a condo with the requirements for our first rental unit. We continued to look for units that were similar or in the buildings we looked at previously. Anne was very helpful in answering all our questions and what was required to put in an offer and what types of deposits we would need. She even went above and beyond to prepare us by sending us documents ahead of time to fill out prior to putting in an offer. All was going well, until we decided to put in our first offer on a unit. Anne was sending us documents through email and it was a pain in the ass to get everything signed and emailed back to her within a reasonable time frame. We kept going back and forth, scanning documents, signing documents, until finally all the paperwork was done. The first offer we put through, they declined our offer. Disappointed, we continued our search for another unit that we were interested in and the second time around, the same thing happened. Going back and forth from sending, scanning, resigning and signing documents, the offer fell through again. We were beginning to feel really frustrated at this point because all the paperwork was such a hassle. After putting offers in for three different units, our 3rd offer got accepted! Again, the paperwork process took us a couple days to get everything finalized. There were even some documents that we were very unclear about. We were trying to ask Anne what the documents were and she wasn't able to clarify anything and she basically said to us, "it's just a stupid form that is required for everyone putting in an offer and if you don't sign it, the offer won't go through." (Great... So we're pretty much signing our life away without knowing what we're signing). This put us in such an awkward position. In between all the signing and scanning of documents, almost every document I sent her, she had me re-send every single document, saying she couldn't open the document on the phone, a couple of pages from the documents were cut off, etc. At this point, I was so frustrated and angry. Her professionalism went from 100 to 0, real quick. She wasn't able to give us straight answers on a lot of the questions we had after the offer was accepted. She insisted that we ask her the questions, rather than talking to the landlord. We couldn't understand why she wouldn't give us the landlords contact information of the offer already went through. After a couple of weeks went by, I received a phone call from her and she said "sorry i've been really busy lately and haven't had time to read all your emails you sent, would you be able to read out the questions you had?".. So, the offer went through and now suddenly you're too busy to answer my questions and you're basically saying you don't have time for me? (Unprofessional!) Then she had the audacity to ask me if I sent all the paperwork to the Property Manager myself, as if I was supposed to know? She was basically asking me to do her job for her??.. WHAT THE F. We ended up going straight to the other agent and contacted with him directly, as he seemed to be more attentive and quick to answer our emails. We finally got our landlords information through the OTHER AGENT after asking 1000 times. Anne has not followed up with us at all or kept in contact with us. She basically got her commission, got paid, split the cheque and called it a day.... I would not recommend, they're a waste of your time and extremely unprofessional.