Unfortunately I made a permanent mistake when I was 16 on my wrist. Fortunately there is now technology that helps erase these mistakes!
I reached out to Wes for a free estimate on the removal of this tattoo and he emailed me back very quickly with a quote and tons of info. I scheduled a free consultation and ended up doing my first session thag day. Wes and his staff are extremely knowledgeable in laser tattoo removal and walked me through all the steps carefully.
I have done 2 sessions so far and the results have been amazing. Wes was upfront about how many session it likely will take to full remove and I still have quite a few left.
It is extremely painful so beware, but it is so worth it! Dissappearing Ink it top notch and a great place to go if you are considering tattoo removal at all. Think twice about that tattoo before you get it!