Along with Carload and John's Fruit Village on Armadale, Green Thumb rounds out the triple threat of produce markets in Bloor West Village. You can comparison shop between the three of them, and I highly recommend it for these three hot ticket items:
* cherries
* avocados
* ataulfo mangoes
They usually vary in price a little but Green Thumb's got the market cornered when it comes to reasonably affordable green and red grapes by the pound (think hard, juicy and seedless**). Nowhere else in the city will you find better quality grapes, and I have tried hard to find a replacement in the east end without any luck. Asparagus is also sold here at rock bottom prices, and they often have 4-6 kiwi for $1 - says kiwis are an excellent source of fibre (4g per!), vitamin C & B6 (grumps and curmudgeons are in desperate need of this last one).
** can someone please phase out seeded grapes? Thanks.