To all you Yelpers complaining about cleanliness, I don't get you. Oceans is way cleaner than your regular Asian Market - be it BTrust, Yuan Ming, T&T or Grant. It's also higher in price, but I'd still pick it over any of the above in most scenarios so that I don't have to smell fish (unless I am in the fish section) or walk in crud OR deal with rude people. It's also much larger than any of the above, and I enjoy the size of the store. Everything is spaced out and not so cramped up - haveyoubeentoGrant?
Some good buys?
- $2.99 for salmon maki rolls on end of day sales.
- 6 bags of dumplings/dimsum for $10 woo hoo!
- .70c coconut water
Ankie Tip: The produce is often pricy and not so good here.