I was in a car accident involving one of Diehl Towing's trucks a few days ago and they could not have been more sketchy in the way they handled the entire situation. I was waiting behind one of their tow trucks at a stop sign when out of nowhere the truck started backing up. I laid on my horn, but the tow truck continued to back up onto the entire hood of my car, all the way up to my windshield. When I got out of the car, the driver of the tow truck admitted that he heard me honking, but it didn't "register" fast enough for him to stop backing up. I tried to give him my driver's license so we could begin exchanging information, but he stopped me and said his company would rather take my car to their dealership and fix it out of pocket so they don't have to report it to insurance. I told him I was not comfortable doing that at all and would just like to exchange information and be on our way. He said he had to wait for his boss to get there to handle that. I understood and waited the 15 minutes it took for his boss to get to the scene. Neither the driver or his boss ever asked me if I was okay at any point. The boss then continued to make the same offer that the driver already had. I told him we had already had that conversation and that's not how we were going to handle this. The boss then refused to hand over any information. I had to call the police to come out at this point. The two police officers that responded explained that even if I agreed to deal with this out of pocket, they were still legally required to exchange insurance information with me. Diehl Towing finally cooperated at this point and we both gave our information to the police officer. Long story short, Diehl Towing is an extremely shady company who doesn't like to do things the right way and I wouldn't trust them with a single thing.