This place was easy to stop while walkimg down queen during my lunch. As i entered the place looked like the averagr raman place; small, smell of ramen and asians everywhere :P. My girlfriend and i love ramen and i have never been here so i wanted to try it out.
I had a different experience than most other ramen places. You were able to choose what type of broth you wanted, the thickness of your noodles, what kind of meat you want, and if you want any extra toppings. I like the idea because you can play around with different options and try something new. I tried a spicy soy sauce broth with thin noodles with pork belly and an extra soft boiled egg. It was good...a little salty, but still delicious. It ended up being around $13 which is in my opinion a cheap yet satisfying lunch.
If you're working downtown or are just in the area and want to have some ramen, check this place out. You can be in and out in less than an hour. Service and quality I'd say is 4 stars. Enjoy!