My kids brought me here after observing the condition of my beloved Magnum Vipers (... not THOSE kind of Magnums! They're Police shoes... ). They were still in OK condition. But to satisfy my kids' demands and to alleviate their embarrassment... I'll check it out at Big 5 to really see if they sell Magnum's.
When we arrived... I was really surprised to find out that they DO sell Magnum's... just the high-tops, though. The sales price for the Magnum Vipers High Tops were around $59, best price on the Internet would be $79.
BUT, and I really emphasize BUT, the width of the Magnum's on sale were "EE". In fact, all the shoes I was interested in were "EE". How odd is that? Models of every shoe I was interested in, only a "EE" width available... Is that a coincidence, or what?
Now, I get it... Big 5 sells things, probably from other store's overstock, that are a really odd size. Good price, only if you're a "EE"... Didn't buy a thing...
To make sure this was not an anomaly, we went to another Big 5 ( ) a few days later... same story.