Renter beware the service is lack luster and they'll nickel and dime you for every cent of your security deposit
We lived in their cottage grove apartments for 2 years, and while the apartment was nice the service was sub-par at best. Every time we had to call maintenance the gentlemen would complain about the work and constantly made my wife feel like she was stupid when she would ask questions. We eventually just stopped calling maintenance, or made sure I was at home when they came in.
The apartment itself was nice, but don't be fooled. Once you live there for awhile you see some of the cheap work that was done to build the apartments.
When you finally move out, be sure that they'll charge you for every single thing they can find.
Prior to moving out my wife and I spent half a day wiping every surface, rented a carpet cleaning machine and mopped and wiped down all the bathrooms. The place was cleaner when we left, then when we got it... Amazingly all that effort was for not as we got hit with a nice bill to clean the entire apartment for another 3 hours! Evidently it takes 2 hours to clean a patio window and dust an ac vent... Their billing rates for repairs are truly insane and will eat away at the steep deposit they require. They'll charge you to replace light bulbs though they expect you to replace them while you live there, they'll charge you to replace things instead of repairing them.