| - I have never been to any coffee shop besides Coffee Bean or Starbucks. Sambalatte Terrefazione takes caffeine to whole other level! I walked in, glanced at the menu, and almost pulled my phone to google some of the stuff on the menu because I didn't want to look like a newbie ;x LOL! True story.
The first time I came in, I stared at the menu from a distance and since it's handwritten, I had to squint to read it (I'm bad at wearing my glasses when I need to -__-). Talk about looking even more like a newbie. With all my knowledge of coffee from Starbucks, I searched for the most familiar things and told myself, "Ahh, I've had that before... and that, and that." so I didn't order any of the familiar. The item that stuck out to me was "afogato." Wasn't quick enough to google that one so I told the cashier (Taryn) with confidence in my voice and nervousness on my face, "I'd like to have the afogato please." And she proceeded to ask, "What type of gelato would you like in it." Losing my confident character-esque, I then said, "Oh, what's good in it?" LOL! She laughed too and suggested hazelnut gelato. I went with it and said I'll take it to go. My newbie adventure doesn't end there!
I sat down anticipating what I ordered, felt adventurous, and started a draft for my review. I looked around at the pastries that looked Venetian-worthy or something. "Oh you fancy huh!" - (c) Drake. I noticed the little island with a bunch of outlets suggesting customers to "Hey, plug in here and write a novel or two!" I walked to the entrance and noticed a grip of board games (Note: Come here and play Scrabble), and saw there was an upstairs. I didn't go up because I didn't want to miss my afogato and I was somewhat in a hurry so I decided to save that for later.
Taryn brought over my afogato in a white paper cup with a little spoon inside. I looked inside and was like "WTF is this?!" LMAO! I thanked her and walked out. I literally LOL'ed to myself when I looked at what I ordered. It looked like a cup of baby poo! LMAO! OMG! I laughed so hard to my gf on the phone and told her that I think I just ordered a cup of baby poo and coffee! Shows you how much I know about Sambalatte Tore-a-fuzz-yawn! I started eating away at the gelato and noticed it was espresso in there. STRONG! and I mean, STRONG like Iron Man strong! It was so bitter, I had to let my gf try it out (I'm so nice! haha!). Even she said it was strong and she likes her coffee strong! We kept laughing about it the whole night.
Then, I came back with her and some of our well versed coffee friends. I decided to retry the afogato, but with TWO scoops of hazelnut gelato! It tasted better and it helped with the taste of the espresso. We also tried the chocolate and pistachio biscuit. Not super great, but tasty. There was a bunch of other fancy treats in there I'd like to try some other day.
Afogato = crack in a cup! Wheeew!