This Walmart sucks! I've been here numerous times and they never have their shelves stocked. Just today there were at least 5 items I had on my long list that were completely out, and it's not the first time. They have these printout papers on the shelves of how the shelves should be displayed, shouldn't that be done during the night shift?? Not during peak shopping hours. Not only that but the checkout is ridiculous as well. They have maybe 5 lanes open with at least 6 or more carts in each. While shopping we heard over the PA system the call for more cashiers, so I'm thinking oh good while I continue to shop the checkout lanes should die down. Um no 10 min later there are still only 5 lanes open and no relief in sight. Seriously Walmart? I prefer Target but the closest one is still in the process of constructing their fresh grocery section.
Oh and did i mention while my niece was looking for roller blades she asked a worker where they were located within the store, and the worker referred her to check out Target. That was the best advice we received while there. Target here we come!!!