If I could give 0 stars I would. Excuse my language, but seriously FUCK the Nevada SPCA. We found 2 strays in my neighborhood and tried to take them to the shelter for their best chance and they actually had the nerve to say, "well we're all full so you can take them to lied" the kill shelter. And told me that I need to make an appointment to surrender my animals. They're not my animals first of all. And second of all, how can you claim to care about animals and then tell people trying to do the right thing to take them to a kill shelter? They don't care about animals at all. No shelter here does. Also they have fostering programs. So tell me why they can't be put in foster care since you "have no room".
This is BULLSHIT. Oh and the fact that I was mad was amusing to her I guess because she decided to laugh at me. I finally understand why people just dump their pets. Because it's better to let them fend for themselves and possibly survive or get rescued than to take them to a place where more than likely they'll be put down. This place is a joke.