Kopi is...meh. Well, that's not entirely fair, it's definitely one of the nicer coffee shops in this area, but there are just so many other better ones (Morning Cup, Aroma) that it kind of pales in comparison. The coffee is decent, food is okay, and the decor chill but a little too dim for studying (but nice if you just want to hang out). My biggest two gripes are a) them revoking their free wifi (as of May 2009; perhaps they have restored it since then), but mainly b) running into one of the snootiest baristas I've ever had to deal with (girl with short cropped hair) who barely gives you the time of day. Maybe she's tired, but I've gotten the same frosty excuse of service from her on multiple occasions. In any case, Kopi is a nice place and definitely a local favorite (meaning it can get quite crowded), and it's usually my choice of late night study place since it's open later than most other places.