Everyone knows that you have more than enough variety when shopping in the strip. There are tons of great markets, local vendors, and unique shops just blocks away from each other. Wholey's might not be the cleanest market in the Strip but it definitely has its appeal, and it worth the trip inside to see what they have to offer. Actually don't even go inside try some of the food that is cooked right outside, and you are bound to enjoy yourself.
You can lose yourself inside because there is just so much that this place has to offer. Fish market, produce, spices, hard to find hot sauces, just to name some of the reasons why you are going to stay for while when perusing the aisles of Wholey's. In addition, there is small fish kitchen inside which makes great fish sandwiches. Definitely try one before you leave.
The main reason why Whole's holds its value in the Strip is because it is an experience inside. There is just so much to do in this marketplace, there is no reason to not take a look inside to see if you can't find something that you didn't know that you wanted.