| - These people are scammers and this review has been years overdue. I have not dealt with this particular location and this review is for Rogers in general.
I was with Rogers for all of 30 minutes in my entire life. I never had service and spent over 30 minutes on the phone with THEIR customer service trying to rectify it. In that time, I was told that I owed them $450 from a previous debt and had to pay it before they could give me service. WHAT?! HOW?! Recall, this is the first time I have ever dealt with them so how on earth do I owe them money already? It wasn't even an hour since I signed up with them!
I said I didn't want to deal with them anymore and wanted my money back. Now they decided they cannot take back the phone because I had gone past the allotted talk time to return it. I NEVER had service and only talked to THEM! Another series of 611 calls, more stress and finally, weeks later, they gave me back my money and I was more than happy to return their stupid phone and swore never to deal with this nightmare of a company again. I had to wait for this terror to be over, borrowing people's phones in the meantime, before signing up with a different company. This is what happens with monopoly/duopoly which is way too rampant in Canada (Shoppers/Rexall, Bell/Rogers, BestBuy/FutureShop, etc etc). In the case of telecommunications, they get to screw with customers from all directions imaginable and get away with it because most customers will give up from exhaustion. Years later, just recalling this nightmare is stress inducing.