Let's just say the pain I'm currently in is unbearable! 7 months ago I went to this office to get a referral to have my wisdom teeth removed, before I even understood what was going on I was being talked into a crown and a replacement filling. The appointment was made for the next day, which seemed odd to me since I explained that I was going to pursue having my wisdom teeth out immediately. So I go in the next day and I'm seen by a completely different dentist. 2 hours into the work with a replaced filling and my back tooth drilled down to nothing, the hygienist informs him about my plans to have my wisdom teeth out, he stopped the work instantly and put on a temporary. To make a long story a little shorter; months of pain from a popped temp waiting to heal from wisdom teeth, replaced filling cracked, fixed replaced filling that still hurts, wrong size crown sent back to lab, second crown still not right but put on anyway and now two weeks later I'm in unreal pain day and night and dreading going back.