We have been going to Dilworth Animal Hospital since they opened and have spent a lot of time there over the years given that we have four dogs. I could go on all day long about how wonderful Dilworth Animal Hospital is; the staff, the doctors, and the facility. They know us when we walk in, they know how to interact with our dogs (they each have their own "quirks"), and they always follow up after each appointment to see how the recently seen dog is doing. They have been consistent from day one which is incredible given how they have grown.
Recently, one of our dogs had to have ACL surgery on both legs only three weeks apart (the second leg was unplanned). Dr. Wheelock was amazing. He showed so much care and concern and he even made arrangements to fit in the second surgery the day after we learned it needed to happen.
One of our "kids" has Cushings Disease. Dr. Cameron has been so attentive and caring with him over the years, never giving up on trying to stabilize his condition and keep him comfortable.
Whether it's routine care and check-ups or dealing with special needs and circumstances, Dilworth Animial Hospital manages it all with sincerity, compassion and demonstrated expertise. We will never take our pets anywhere else.