WHYYYYY my Galaxy S3 STILL has broken glass today:
I called over Christmas and left THREE messages about my GALAXY S3 glass repair. never returned calls. I then caught him on phone after Jan1 and AGAIN described my need to have a GALAXY S3 repaired, he kept interrupting me to give his sales speal about who THEIR repair is warranted for 1 year, etc,etc,etc.....I told him I was in a hurry and just wanted to schedule an appt AND HE STILL KEPT TELLING ME WHAT A GREAT SERVICE HE HAD.... "Used Car Salesman:"
I set a mobile appt 2 weeks out and on the day of the appt, he didn't show and didn't call, so I called HIM and he said he was runnign late and would meet me at my job. I reschduled my meetings and told him to call when he was in the lot. 20 minutes later he called back and left me a voicemail saying "Oh, I only do Iphones, I didn't know you had a galaxy...can't help you..."
thanks for ignoring your customer in 4 phone calls which ALL STATED taht I had a GALAXY S3 and wasting two weeks of my time. Take your "superior warranty" and get Bent