| - I wanted a fish! And after lots of searching, this seemed to be the only pet shop in my area.
The staff knew their stuff, from Ethan the Snake Guy and Harold the Fish Guy. Another Fish Guy, we never learnt his name, was also helpful. It's understandable that he couldn't always stand close by as my friend and I were staring at the wall of fish tanks without a clue, but it would have been nice to receive a little more attention. Or more Fish Guys?
The search for our fishies was all about finding out what we can and cannot provide for. Turns out, not much. We didn't want beta fish because everyone gets them. We couldn't handle the salt water fish, too fussy. We spent at least an hour to decipher which fish, how many, how big would they get, what tank to get, filters, what colour gravel at the bottom, what little playthings to stick in.
Yet, after all that time spent picking out the five different fish I would get and all the above, Fish Guy unloads one. If I want these fish, I have to take home the tank and wait a couple weeks for the thing to build up bacteria.
Why did I want a fish? Something to take care of. Something that is allowed in my building. Cool to watch. Naming it is always fun. Walk out of that place with a smile, a clear plastic bag of water and some living things swimming around in it.
TWO WEEKS??? Fish Guy, you should have said it sooner. I'm a little disappointed.
We wanted a one stop shop. So we turned back to the beta fish, the ones that we wrote off for being cliché. Really, they are the only fish we can/care to support. We can take them right home, set up our beta fish tanks and pop them in. And it's still kind of fun to pick them out because there are various types. So we do.
And we name them Ethan and Harold. Sorry, other Fish Guy.