While this resort is beautiful and the staff are very friendly; I have an excessively bad taste in my mouth. I was there on business for 3 nights. My very last night I was awoken several times in the night to very loud noises outside of my room which was very startling and scary. I wake up at 6:30 am and open the shutters to the glass slider that opens up to the desert behind my room. Low and behold there is a clear imprint of a man's side of face with the ear pressed up against the glass. Being a single woman traveling alone for work this is alarming to say the least. I promptly called security who was very nice, however as I was checking out a short hour later the security officer had not shared with the manager my scary experience. I had taken pictures and showed it to the manager. Following insincere apologies were stupid explanations like "maybe a husband was lost and couldn't find his room and was trying to hear if it was his wife in the room". What? ? Um how about if that's the case you knock on the door to the room? ? Not go into the wilderness to press your face to a sliding glass door? Very scary, disturbing and should be taken more seriously by all staff. My instinct is that it was one of the staff members. Being that the entire time I was there I saw a maximum of 5 guests I hardly doubt it was the lost husband scenario and if that is the case, to the wife, it is time to trade that model in.
In addition, I'm not the type to ask for a discount or a return of funds but I do believe something should have been offered as I was very shaken up. And if you hadn't of guessed already nothing was offered up besides lame explanations and insincere apologies.
Bad taste on the part of the management and a bad taste in my mouth.