| - got back to my hotel with red patches on the parts of my face where the salesperson applied Forever Flawless skincare products on. ..
+ : n/a ! ? . .. catchy~looking store? !! which help lure me in--- W T _ !! ---to trouble, my face specifically :/
-- : potentially detrimental after effects, e.g. patches/blotches on my face, hard-earned $$$$ wasted/lost. .. when i was in the store, the demo was like being in a live infomercial with deals and free gifts; may be worst b/c of the pressure to buy already as the deal is special/ for a limited time only. .. posers, both sales folks and products. .. yeah, high-end alright: NoT!! plus, i was also told that the products were backed by a money-back guarantee which it appears here that other folks were told the same and yet not honored. sketchy. sketchy. shady!!
so, can't speak for the other products in the store; but, beware, be aware. .. as the other reviews caution, they may just be out for your money. ..