| - Something that caught my eye immediately that seemed pretty odd but pretty cool was the chef was walking around to peoples tables and asking them how their meal was. He was also offering free samples of the lemonade and the chai. That's generally not what I expect when I go to a place like that. That gets points in my book...
I've been to a lot of Indian food restaurants all over US and this is definitely one of the good ones. I've also spent a lot of time eating fresh homemade Indian food so I'm a bit if a snob and always a bit skeptical anytime I step foot in a new Indian restaurant.
Long story somewhat short, I tried a lot of what they had on the menu because I wanted to know how everything taste. I realized before I ordered that this Indian food is intended to be a more healthy style of Indian food so I wasn't sure what to think. Once I Dug in I could definitely tell that it was a lighter style of Indian food, still had all the great flavors but it wasn't has heavy as the Indian food I normally eat is. All the sauces were awesome. All the veggies were really fresh. The style and the way you order is pretty cool because you can see everything right in front of your face and mix and match with your dish. I can't really think of anything bad to say about the place, I did like some sauces more than others but nothing was bad. I def plan to stop in more often.
THE LONGER STORY for ya readers out there....
The Vindaloo was really awesome. Perfect amount of spiciness to it and def a must have for next time.
The curry was probably my favorite. It was really really good, I could mix that with just about anything at home. Not oily, not to much flavoring. I'd love to buy a jug of it and smother some wings.
The masala was also really good and I def didn't leave any behind.
The mint chutney was really cool. It was zesty and next time I go back I'm gonna get a wrap and have a bunch draped over my chicken.
The tamarind chutney was nice because it wasn't too thick and sugary. It was a nice little addition over my rice.
I tried all the meats and they were definitely good. I favored the chicken and tofu over the beef but it was still good. I'm not really a tofu kind of guy but it was definitely good to have in the bowl. It was kind of like having chunks of pineer.
The Mango Lassie was aw aw awesome! I've never really had one that I didn't like though but some have been to thin for my likings.
The manager asked me if I wanted to sample the chai and the lemonade so I did. I've never thought I'd get so excited about lemonade but that lemonade was absolutely awesome, I'd like to make some good cocktails with it. If it was on the shelf in the grocery store I probably buy it once a week.
The chai was also really really good, I've always loved cardamom and that chai was packed full of it. It definitely didn't taste like anything else I've ever had. I liked how it was cold too.
There was also a hot sauce that they gave to me on my plate and it definitely has some Kick but it's got really good flavor too. It was perfect because most of their sauces are pretty mild but I like some heat added so it worked out well.
All in all, I'll definitely go back. It's nice to find a place that isn't the same as everyone else. One cool thing I noticed, I didn't feel really weighed down after I finished. A lot of the time after eating Indian food, I'm ready for bed.
The staff was cool and friendly and the place was super clean! Definitely check them out. If the place is busy and the bald chef isn't walking around offering samples, ask him for one. I'm sure he'll give em to you.