edit: I had to knock this place down a star. I feel like it has gotten even worse recently. They don't even have the spray bottles to clean the machines anymore- just paper towels and a weird solution coming out of a soap dispense on the wall that NO ONE SEEMS TO USE. EVER. It's like people think it's hand soap and don't touch it. I'm going to try driving south to the location in Tempe (which sucks, because I live like a freaking mile from this one) and if that isn't better I'm changing gyms. I don't feel like getting MRSA.
I don't really have a lot of NEW information to share about this place that hasn't been said already, so here's my bottom line.
Is this gym gross, dirty and smelly? Yes.
Are there a lot of obnoxious people there more interested in socializing than exercising? Yes.
Will this stop me from working out there? No.
It's close to me, it's cheap and there's no contract. There's lots of classes offered. Until I can afford a membership at some super classy exclusive place, LA Fitness will most certainly serve it's purpose- to keep me from getting fat.