| - What can I say, back when I was in college and funds were not really all that plentiful, we stayed her because at the time we thought we were getting a decent price. (I scratched and saved all I could in the coming weeks, eating nothing but top ramen morning to evening.) We crammed some people into one of their suites and for the most part we were able to drink in the room before and after our romps to the clubs and bars. And for the most part while at times the volume may have gone up, for the most part, no one complained about the noise we were making. (I must say I was very surprised, my luck in the past has always been pretty crappy staying in hotels with so many people.)
The crowd here is much older then most college aged people though, (They are probably staying in the Excalibur or god forbid Circus Circus.) I will say that if you are the type that likes to cruise the pools for woman or men, like some of the big and popular pool side casinos on the strip, with tons of eye candy, you probably aren't going to find it here, unless you are after cougars, MILF's and DILF's). But hey, what ever floats your boat... It is worth mentioning that from google earth the location seems really close to the strip which at the time seemed to fit the balance of distance and cost. But we were to discover in reality, when you are intoxicated and out of cash and have to carry one of the girls in the group back over because her shoes hurt her feet to much for the walk, it is pretty damn far. At least it feels that far. Damn it's far.
The staff overall here are pretty nice, I didn't have complaints and the housekeeping kept us comfortable and didn't say anything to the front desk considering the alarming number of towels were being used every night. Late at night, the restaurant was awesome. Really cheap eats at a bargain of a price. I was dumbfounded. And quite liquored up. It was both. Twilight specials on steak and eggs and burgers between 12-4. It was dirt cheap, and very convenient. Overall I had a decent time, it was a place were you could lay down and rest, and besides most of the time you were out on the street up to public mischief and drunken debauchery.
Still, these days, now that I'm a working professional and not at the mercy of a group to plan my trips, I've realized that you can find bargains at a similar price at quite a few places on the strip.