"What is the ritual again? Water from the fountain and a mermaid's tear?" -- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Having made a few trips to Las Vegas over the years, the fountains are always a fun and touristy thing to do. This time out I would have been fine skipping this particular event, but a couple of gals in my group had never seen it in person, so off we went.
Having walked the entire strip a few times already during our trip, the decision was made to cab it there - only $15 with tip from our hotel (Mandalay Bay). Not too bad for a Sunday night. When we got there, the bellman told us 3 minutes til showtime. Off we went and it was already crowded - so we were stuck towards the back side towards the front of the hotel - but we still had a good view.
This is where disappointment sets in - the show seems so much shorter than it has been in years past. Maybe 2 minutes long? And the song was nothing I had ever heard before - something classical and not recognizable. My past trips have been Frank Sinatra (very Vegas) and Tony Bennett (also very Vegas). While the waterworks are impressive, it is time to update it and make sure even the music is WOW. And believe me, I love classical music too.
Overall, I think it was lackluster. Time to upgrade, Bellagio. Or at least make sure the music is snazzier to go with the Vegas atmosphere. Otherwise it was just OK...unless you were 80 (which the crowd coming in after us was).