More miss than hit...
Coconut cupcake: 0/5
Horrible. cake part has no flavor, icing on top tastes like 95% butter and 5% cream cheese... YUCK!
Blackberry & Almond Dumpling: 1/5
The flavor of the 10% that had any blackberry and almond (which as only on the very bottom) was perfect... but that left 90% of the pastry that was simply bread with no flavor.
Strawberry Crostada: 1/5
took one bite, stopped there. tasked bad
Apple Crostada: 3/5
Very good flavor, needs 2x the apples in it to make it enjoyable
Blueberry Crostada: 5/5
FINALLY something I thought was worth buying, and I enjoyed it! I could taste blueberry the whole time and there were enough actual blueberries!