introduced not even a month ago and I'm in love. Dan T. surprised me with a great brownie sundae from here a few weeks ago. he has raved and raved about it, so i was excited he brought it to me. after digging in I had to share some of it with my mom. the thing was huge! like split between 3 or 4 people huge. My family and I drive past it atleast twice a week, but never stop. only talk about stopping. after an afternoon lunch at 5 guys this saturday though my parents stopped. what a great dessert after burgers and fries and much better than any diner i have ever been to. my mom and I shared the mocha almond concrete. what's a concrete? think blizzard but with more to offer. you know how with blizzards you are usually at the end of them, the bottom of the cup, left with no toppings and just basic ice cream? well not here at mister d's, everything was swirled and mixed perfectly. almonds all throughout the little gem. i also love that you can watch the workers though the giant walk up window. they also offer a drive thu.
the only thing to beware of here? brain freezes! ;) don't chow down too quickly. enjoy it!