Before i post. I want everyone to know that i did wait to speak to manangement of this lodge.they didn't seem to be bother by how offended i was either!!!To my fellow LGBT family! Apparently this establishment / Business ISN'T OKAY with our choices in life.. I was at THIS location on Wednesday night 2/17/2016 around 8pm. Decided to go have a drink with my Wife. Guys next to us starting speaking about gays and how it's not right blah blah nothing but ignorance! I kept my quiet as a adult. (Knowing guys we're intoxicated )I realized my wife had gotten upset and said something . That's when I spoke up.. what really bothered me. Was the fact That... Instead of (red headed)Bartender defusing situation. She Agreed with guys at bar. And kept speaking on subject..I got to my limit then asked her for Tab.Wife refused to leave to make a point. We went to seat away from bar.The bartender and customer continued Insulting and speaking upon subject calling us (weirdos etc,) Without a care. Knowing we were both still there able to hear clearly there conversation. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, thoughts and many may not comprehend our lifestyle as a LGBT community . At end of day. It's about Respect!You give respect to get respect in this world.