Veggie Village is so appetizing, it's got my ignorant, proudly carnivorous associates wanting to give it a try.
Like seriously, just bait someone into saying veg food is stupid, then show them my photo. They'll feel stupid because this is amazing.
Some dishes here try to vaguely imitate meat. My sesame "chicken" was surprisingly made with lightly fried mushrooms as opposed to some soy substitute. I also sampled some grilled tofu with a rich, spicy peanut sauce that I'd love to have over some brown rice and vegetables sometime.
My only complaint is I think they could survive toning it down a bit on the salt. It's definitely overboard and I would have enjoyed my meal just as much had it contained less. I subtract no stars, as I was practically licking my plate!
Overall, this menu is expansive without sacrificing quality, and surprisingly affordable and accessible. If you're in central Phoenix already, most definitely consider going a bit far up north to check out what Veggie Village has to offer.