| - On my first excursion to Vegas STreats, I decided to try this. Tasty Buns looked really weird, the Cheese Steak Truck was ridiculously overpriced and the lines for Fuku and the Slider Truck were WAY too long, so I decided Curbside Cafe it is.
Okay, the burgers and hot dogs looked gross, but Calamari and Tacos? TOGETHER? FUCK YES. Some of you may think that's gross, and I was kind of squicked out by the idea of it at first, but then I decided, well I took a chance with Fuku and Slidin' did I not? So why not try this concoction?
A few minutes later, I began pondering this: WHY DON'T MORE PLACES MAKE CALAMARI TACOS? The thing was so amazing. With Cojita cheese as well, a cheese that's rare in Mexican food around these parts.
Unfortunately, this truck seems to have a very sporadic schedule, and I don't think ANYONE is ever in the mood to hunt a food truck down, so I guess I'll have to wait until the next STreats to have this thing again. I swear, I could eat that calamari taco for days.