| - I need to tell my entire story to make this review more easily understood. Bear with me.
Before my 2 children (I am now 40 years old and my kids are 20 and 16) I had nice size 34 c cup breasts, needless to say, I was blessed. After 4 years of nursing I was not so blessed, I had blessed my babies of course, but I was left feeling quite self conscious of my chest, I was, well, a bit deflated. So in 2005 I had numerous consultations in regards to getting a breast lift. I went to 7 different surgeons in the Las Vegas area and was told by all of them that implants were necessary when performing a lift. I decided to go to Dr Rifley because a gf of mine had the same procedure done by him and they looked amazing (you can see a thousand pictures in an office visit but knowing someone personally and seeing them is more assuring) yet after the first surgery, I do remember feeling a bit bigger than I had told him I wanted to be but the fact that they weren't in my armpits when I laid down, well, I was happy. Then, while doing pull ups in 2011, one of my saline implants ruptured. Knowing the implants were still under warranty I assumed I had to go back to the same surgeon who had originally done them (I later found out that that's not the case, it's the implant that's under warranty and any surgeon can correct them) anyway, at that office visit I noticed the doctor was, well, "off" for lack of a better term. Yet here I was with a deflated boob, a little desperate and just wanting to not feel so uncomfortable. Sure enough, after the procedure was done I was left with the double bubble effect (the implant is higher than the natural breast tissue) and my nipple looked like a kindergartener put it back on (no offense to any kindergarteners) I was devastated, but at this point I had already spent $17k and when I went back to doctor Rifley to obviously complain he said "you'll always have me but you still have to pay for the anesthesia" well, I wasn't going to take a chance having him fix it obviously and I had already spent so much money I had to then just let it go and deal with it.
Fast forward 4 years, i finally meet the man of my dreams (I had been divorced since the kids were 2&6) we are engaged 8 months later, we marry only 4 months later (once again I'm blessed, only in a different way ) and now that we have a dual income, we decide to finally seek help for my uncomfortable situation. I research surgeons in the Vegas area and stumble upon Dr Stiles website, I call to make a consultation appt, and during the conversation with the ever so sweet receptionist I come to find out that the doctor that had done my procedure had committed suicide the year before due to all the law suits against him. I was dumbfounded. (I don't wish this upon anyone, may he rest in peace) but to get back to the review, the receptionist was so helpful and I was able to see Dr. stile the following week. At that appt. Dr Stile was confident, understanding and extremely professional. I felt so at ease with him, even though I had has such and awful experience before, I scheduled my procedure that day. He even told me I never even needed implants because I had so much natural breast tissue. He removed my implants and performed a lift. And. Let. Me. Tell. You. I feel amazing, like I'm 16 again! I have perky c cups again with no invasive implants that I have to worry about rupturing again! I know this review has been crazy long, but Dr. Stile, is nothing less than an artist, I can't believe how natural and comfortable I feel now, I'm myself again and I couldn't be happier, if I wasn't so modest I would post a picture. He truly is an artist and I just want to say thank you to Dr Stile, and his staff for making my whole experience nothing less than perfect. Once again, I have been blessed!!! God bless you Dr Stiles and the gifts he has given you!! I do hope this review is helpful to many many women out there that are feeling a bit self conscious and are themselves looking for help. Sorry for the lengthy review, but again, it was a journey for me, thankfully that ended well, thanks to Dr. Stiles. Thanks again.
Amy Kehr& her happy husband